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Adult Ministry

Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Faith Formation

Adult Ministry at FUMCR encompasses a wide variety of opportunities to engage in intentional faith development. Regardless of the length one has been a Christian, the opportunity for growth is always present. For age-specific opportunities, please visit Young Adults or Senior Adults pages.

Group Life

Group Life offers an opportunity to take a journey of faith together by forming a short-term community that is grounded in honest sharing, mutual trust, and understanding. Although there is  a topic or focus for each group, the main focus is on the relationships that are quickly formed with such open and intimate sharing.

Learning Communities

Learning Communities are short-term classes or seminars on a variety of subjects including spiritual formation, Bible study, theology, and personal growth. These groups formed by a common interest offer a chance to meet new people in the church and community and often span several age levels, thus adding to the richness of the experience.

Men's Bible Studies

Open groups that meet weekly for study and discussion.

Sunday School

Sunday school classes offer an opportunity to be a part of an on-going group that seeks to grow in understanding the Christian faith while enjoying a supportive fellowship. Classes are active in the total life of the church, especially its missional outreach.

UWF Circles

Small groups within United Women in Faith that meet monthly for learning, service and fellowship.

Events for Adults
The Gathering

2nd Mondays, Coleman Family Hall

20-Somethings Night of Worship

Tue, Jan 7, 7-9pm, Custer Road UMC

UWF Project Party

Sun, Jan 12, 12:15-1:30pm, Coleman Family Hall

Adult Swing Dance

Wednesdays, Jan 22 - Feb 26, Bartula Family Life Center

An Evening with Rev. Adam Hamilton

Mon, Feb 24, 7-8:30pm, Sanctuary

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